Next Level Training Solutions Group, LLC
Imagine giving one of your team members a task with instructions, but they miss the mark on execution. Is it their fault? Well, that's a possibility, but we must remember that success starts with us as leaders. Was there an opportunity for you to better communicate your expectations?
One of the most excellent skills a leader can possess is the ability to cast a vision to an entire team effectively, and it takes even more skill to do so for a whole organization. What exactly is vision casting, though?
What is vision casting?
First, let's start by defining vision. Jim Collins, the author of the best-selling book Good to Great, explains it this way: "Vision is simply a combination of three basic elements: (1) an organization's fundamental reason for existence beyond just making money (often called its mission or purpose), (2) its timeless, unchanging core values, and (3) huge and audacious—but ultimately achievable—aspirations for its future." (Aligning Action and Values)
Organization's vision in a way that results in all parties, even customers, comprehending the company's vision and acting in direct efforts toward that vision.
How do you cast a vision?
First and foremost, as the leader, you must understand the vision and consistently act accordingly. You should never expect your team to amplify the image.
If you show them how, through your actions.
Don't know what your organization's vision is? This may be an opportunity for you to revisit the company mission statement, purpose, and goals; it also may be an opportunity to communicate with your higher-ups to get some guidance and understanding in this area.
When it's time to communicate with the team
One of the best ways to get people excited about the future is to start by reflecting on and acknowledging great things from the past.
Thank you,
Tina E. Gilbert
Consultant | Coach | Speaker | Motivator | Author