Change is challenging to implement. When guided correctly, it can be the beginning of growth. Change always leads to new innovations, processes, and goals. When change is ineffectively implemented, the intended purpose may not be achieved.
A change agent can be a leader, team member, or a group that facilitates the change that will motivate others for positive outcomes. It is crucial to have a change agent that will effectively foresee the transition.
If you are a Change Agent, here are a few solutions you can implement in difficult times.
Be Ready for Resistance
Change is not embraced positively by most people. Leaders who are change agents will be ready for this resistance and comfortable with navigating through challenges for desired results.
The key to overcoming resistance is first identifying your allies. Your allies tend to agree with you, so it is easy to win them over. Secondly, identify influential people and try to convince them why change is needed. Once you win over the most influential people, others will slowly embrace the need for change.
Involve the Team in Creating the Vision
Most leaders have challenges with creating the vision. No matter how strong the leader's vision, if the people feel left out, they may not embrace the change.
The main action to remember in this stage is to collaborate with people to create the desired outcome. When people contribute to the vision, they tend to embrace change easier. When people become involved, they feel included in the process of change.
One strategy that a leader can use to bring people on board for change is talking about the vision more often. Leaders can consciously keep the vision in the forefront through visual aids, repetitive actions, and reminders.
Are you ready to be a Change Agent? As the world evolves, change is necessary for growth.
Next Level Training Solutions Group, LLC would like to partner with you and assist with finding solutions. We have a customized action plan for promoting growth.
The acronym S.O.A.R. stands for using the right Strategy to develop Objective(s) to Achieve your desired Result(s).
Thank you,
Tina Gilbert
Consultant I Coach I Speaker I Motivator I Author